
The following companies and organisations have helped me a lot over the years. I’d like to thank them all and recommend them to you.

Horizons Unlimited

Easily the best resource in the world for those considering a long distance motorcycle journey, as well as being interesting reading for anyone with an interest in travel.

GS Club UK and UKGSer

The guys and women who also ride BMW GS bikes and who have been so enthusiastic and supportive from the early days of my travels.


The ultimate motorcycle travel company and great employers. If you too want to experience the amazing ride to Tibet and up to Everest Base Camp, take a look at their Silk Road expedition. One day they might even cover all the routes I’ve ridden!

H-C Travel

David Grist and the team have generously supported and helped me with the intricacies of motorcycle travel insurance for most of my journeys. In recent years I’ve also worked with H-C Travel as a motorcycle tour guide.

Giant Loop

Run by Harold Olaf Cecil and based in Oregon, USA, Giant Loop manufacture innovative, practical and durable soft luggage solutions for adventure motorcyclists – from BMW GSs around the world to scooters in Kalimantan.

Bill Mayer Saddles

During long days on the bike, discomfort and numbness eventually set in. Cue Bill with his great slogan “Any Bike, Any Butt”. I had a customised seat crafted especially for me and what a difference it made; I left his workshop and rode for nine hours straight without a twinge. I’m now a true convert.

Ugly Fish Eyewear

Definitely the best sunglasses for motorcycling. They fit under the helmet so comfortably you don’t know they’re there and they keep out every bit of grit and dust.

James Sherlock BMW Motorcycle Parts

James and the team have supported me a huge amount over the years, they’ve been on the receiving line when I’ve returned after a long journey with a bike that needs a lot of TLC and when I’ve emailed from some obscure part of the world to ask about strange noises in my engine and a request for parts to be sent.


Having done a lot of my riding two-up on Thelma, I am only too aware of the frustrations and limitations of being unable to communicate effectively with a riding partner. The AutoCom has proved to be the best intercom system available allowing us to chat and the pillion rider to confer on navigation.

Vallantine Motorworks

Mick, who started Vallantine Motorworks, helped to keep my Alaska to Tierra del Fuego dream alive. I camped in his garden until he let me in and took a look at Thelma’s engine! Several years later, he was also a great support on the trip to Labrador.


Metzeler have been making tyres for over 140 years and they’ve perfected the art of producing ones that are ideal for the long distance traveller. I particularly like the Tourance, a pair of which lasted all the way from England to Outer Mongolia (over 12,000 miles) with two people and all their gear on the bike through some of the most rugged terrain I have ever encountered. There was still life in them as well.


Dave and the team in Calgary were instrumental in keeping Thelma on the road when I had a gearbox problem on the way to Labrador. Dave re-built the gearbox and spotted a couple of other things that needed doing. He also hired me for a few days to help out (and probably regretted it!)


On every trans-continental journey there are going to be mountains and cold weather. I never leave without my Gerbing heated jacket and gloves, they’ve transformed mountain passes and winter riding for me. Chilled bones and numb hands are now most definitely a thing of the past. I’m happy riding right through the winter.

Bob’s BMW

Bob is one of the nicest guys you could meet and he runs a great BMW dealership in Maryland. Bob was one of the first in America to invite me to give a talk about my travels.

Tran Am

Tran Am are the sole UK importers of Rukka clothing – the finest bike gear I’ve ever used. It’s stood up to the rain, snow, dust, dirt and falls of several trans-continental journeys and is still going strong. The durability of their gear is legendary.

Ultimate Ear Protection

Our ears are fragile and prolonged motorcycle riding takes its toll. I’m the proud wearer of customised ear plugs- yes, they might look like a pair of bright-coloured mangled jelly babies, but they really do block out the excess engine and wind noise. They’re comfortable to wear and last a long time.


Kathy and the team are fantastic. Getting Thelma home after Mongolia, this was my quote for them: “Thank you to the team for great work, especially dealing with Customs so well. The officials couldn’t understand how my bike had been out of the country for three years and yet I only had a cross-channel ferry ticket to prove I’d taken Thelma overseas! I’d thoroughly recommend them to anyone considering shipping their motorcycle.”