That ride to India had opened Tiffany’s eyes to the thrill of travelling by motorbike and she looked around for new places to explore. And, so having crossed all the other continents, she turned her attention to the Americas and shipped Thelma to Canada. This was to be a solo journey as Maggie had now found the job of her dreams at home in Ireland. First riding northwards to Alaska, where Siobhan McInerney from Australia joined her in Anchorage for the journey along the Ice Road to Dead Horse, on the edge of Prudhoe Bay – the most northerly point that can be reached by road in the Americas. Dealing with bears, moose and other wildlife whilst also camping on Arctic permafrost, the pair made it safely up there before before turning South, with Siobhan heading home at the Canadian border.

Tiffany rode south for the next 24,000 miles until she had cross the length of the Americas and reached Tierra Del Fuego at the southernmost tip of South America. A chance encounter with some Brazilians found her heading up to Rio then riding a route around the coast of Brazil and up the Amazon River. Before ending up in Venezuela and shipping Thelma home after 14 months solo riding.

Countries: Canada, USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia
Journey Duration: 14 months
Motorcycle: BMW R80GS (Thelma)