Becky found the man of her dreams in Australia, which left Tiffany to travel home alone – she shipped Thelma to Cape Town having naively chosen Africa as the best route to take. Novice rider (and good friend), Maggie Dunleavy from Ireland was persuaded to take Becky’s place and joined Tiffany in South Africa, for the long ride across the Dark Continent and home to the UK. The ride proved to be the toughest yet with deserts, accidents and river crossings giving Tiffany pause for thought about the wisdom of selecting Africa to ride across. Eventually arriving home after a total of two and a half years away.

Countries: South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Israel, Greece, Italy, France, UK
Journey Duration: Seven months
Motorcycle: BMW R80GS (Thelma)